The Raised Bar

That’s the intention here. To raise the bar.

Raise it on our own truths.

Our own lives.


When the scales have been tipped, we dive in, leap forward and move towards what’s true, beckoning and asking to be seen.

Raising the bar in our life is a journey.

Sharing it fuels and lights the way.

Welcome to the Blog.

The Sum Total

The Sum Total

Full and frank disclosure, care and loyalty are the three fiduciary duties we owe each client. Is any one more important than the other? The truth is, the total of the three are greater than their individual parts. If even one is taken away or not lived up to, then I...

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The Big Bang

The Big Bang

On the table sat a plastic box that I bought a little over 20 years ago. It was scraped and scratched from all the years of being moved. The lid was dusty and the sides were a little dirty. We had placed it under the stairs when we moved into the house seven years...

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Lunch Time and Lawyers

Lunch Time and Lawyers

Never would I think that sitting around the conference table at my office having lunch with three lawyers would be a highlight of my day. It's either a very sad commentary on the state of my life or it says a lot about my law firm. Happily it's the latter. When I am...

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Condition Precedent

Condition Precedent

It's amazing all the bits and pieces of information I remember from the different classes in law school. Venue from Civil Procedure, the Content Neutral Test from Constitutional Law and The Rule Against Perpetuities in Property class. Most of what I learned in law...

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You will never achieve your greatest potential on your own. -Anonymous I am awe inspired by people who make  it against whatever life has thrown at them. They rise up from the ashes of a tragedy; persevering to overcome difficulties that we view as unimaginable....

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Striking Gold

Striking Gold

Fifteen years ago I was talking with a doctor. I knew him fairly well, so when he asked me how I was doing, I gave him a meaningful answer. "I am living my golden years right now. My children are seven and five. I'm the center of their universe and I love that. I...

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What comes to mind when you hear the phrase "Call of Duty"? Honor? Sacrifice? X-Box? For all of us it brings up something different based on our life experiences or that of a loved one. I think of my Grandpa Jack who was held by Germans as a prisoner of war. I can't...

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“I have followed Jim Dwyer for the past year. Jim is an incredibly skilled writer as evidenced by his book and prolific blog entries. Whether it is a simple conversation or blog – Jim makes you think. He invites you in and, through his rigorous honesty, encourages a discussion. He makes you question your own life, motives and actions. Lastly, through the use of descriptive language, you savor every word, with anticipation of his next entry.”

Wendy Votroubek,


The Lawyer’s Compass: How Do We Keep Our Bearings During Stormy Times?

The Lawyer’s Compass: How Do We Keep Our Bearings During Stormy Times?

It all started a week before Thanksgiving of 2015. Jan’s mom, who’d been battling Parkinson's for over 30 years was hospitalized. She was there for a week. Before being discharged she said to Jan, “You have to let me go.” She made the decision to not use a feeding...

Revealing What Dwells Within

Revealing What Dwells Within

I'm interested in affecting deeper changes within myself. Which is what life is about. Here are two commandments I’ve learned to create a more meaningful life: 1. Thou Shalt Make It Physical. Five years ago I participated in my first White Stone Ceremony at the church...