You already practice law.
Are you ready to practice life?

It’s too easy to let work define who we are. It’s our job to define how work is serving us. But what if we could define our work, and not the other way around?

The practice of law is built upon thousands of years of philosophy – from Aristotle to Atticus Finch – to show us why and how it’s so important to protect the most valued aspects of human nature. We can take what we do every day for our clients and use the same system for ourselves.

The fiduciary duties – your duty to your clients – are perfectly designed to do that.

My presentations teach you how to apply the hidden advice that the practice of law holds for your life. As a practicing attorney with a vision to transform the way lawyers see themselves and their work, I appreciate the chance to share experiences and what I’ve learned along the way.

Speaking Topics





“I had the privilege of participating on a focus group for Jim Dwyer’s presentation Fiduciary 360. It was a wonderful presentation that allowed me the opportunity to apply the ethical standards I know so well as an attorney to my personal life. Now as I interact with those close to me, I think about how I care for them. Do I follow through with commitments? Am I diligent with promoting their needs? Do I listen? Really listen? In short, am I giving the people I love the same ethical respect I give my clients? I must say the answer is not always yes. But now, after Jim’s presentation, I am much more aware and I am striving for consistency. It is definitely a presentation worth participating in.”

Sonya Fischer Attorney in Portland, Oregon

If you want to know what they didn’t teach you in law school about The Practice of Law and Life – you’ve come to the right place.

Join the conversation today and receive my twice monthly posts + The Law-Life Project Presents: The Bottom Line, a 5-part self investigative series to help you align the practice of law with your practice of life. We can’t change the Practice of Law, but TOGETHER we can change how we engage and experience law and life.

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Every artist has tools, from a hammer and chisel to the acetylene torch. The art of asking questions is one of the most powerful tools an attorney uses. Together we spark questions about how to create the practice of law and life we want.

Great strides in our lives are made of small steps. It is about the small and everyday steps you can seamlessly take in your daily practice of law that lead you to living your best life. Through probing questions and small successes, my goal is to bring a fresh and deeper perspective to the lawyer’s life.

If you’d like to have me speak on these topics – or any related ones – please contact me to arrange a time for us to connect. I’m happy to tailor any of my presentations to best match your objectives.