The Sum Total

The Sum Total

Full and frank disclosure, care and loyalty are the three fiduciary duties we owe each client. Is any one more important than the other? The truth is, the total of the three are greater than their individual parts. If even one is taken away or not lived up to, then I...
Listening To Yourself

Listening To Yourself

Full and frank disclosure is one of the fiduciary duties we owe each client. When a client  is making a decision based on incomplete information, it’s usually not good.  Not only do we need to make sure our clients have the important facts, it is our job to help them...
Beyond Paychecks and Perks

Beyond Paychecks and Perks

The fiduciary duty that we owe to our clients is a marvelous creation. It sets the standard of how we serve our clients. The duties of care, loyalty, and full and frank disclosure are at the philosophical and practical foundation of being a lawyer. Our fiduciary duty...