The Big Stack

The Big Stack

I’m trying to visualize what my life looks like. If each part represents a different colored block of wood, is the size of each piece equal to the amount of time I spend doing that or should it corollate to the importance it plays in my life? Does that mean that...
Condition Precedent

Condition Precedent

It’s amazing all the bits and pieces of information I remember from the different classes in law school. Venue from Civil Procedure, the Content Neutral Test from Constitutional Law and The Rule Against Perpetuities in Property class. Most of what I learned in...
The Law and Faith – Part 1

The Law and Faith – Part 1

6 years ago the minister of my church asked me a question that had a big effect on my law practice. He asked “What do you have faith in?” I asked him: “Do you mean about God?“ He said he was not asking about God, the bible or anything religious. He continued “We have...