Welcome to the Resources page. It’s a way for you to learn more about me while learning more about the integrative law movement. What you’ll find here has been a source of my self-development and a way for me to find greater meaning in every moment. Please dive in!

After making a number of great life changes that lasted a whopping 48 hours, it was time for a change. I kept reading good books about how to live a more fulfilling life but I was not successfully integrating their ideas into my life. I was a stone skipping over the surface of the water.

For me to do justice to what I was reading and to my life, I needed to go deeper. I decided to read one book for as long as I needed to really absorb what the author was saying and understand what I could incorporate into my life. Sometimes this meant I read one book four or five times over a year.

When it comes to advising my clients, I can hold a lot of facts, ideas and statutes together. But when it came to understanding how I best operate and how I could incorporate and integrate life-changing ideas, it was not the same. I needed to slow down and go deeper to live my best life.

Just like a legal seminar, there are two ways that my time is worth the price of admission. One is when there is an idea that I can apply to a specific case. But the true gold is when I can apply an idea to my entire practice. I never know when that’s going to happen. But, if I’m not looking, the odds go down that I’m going to actually find it.

That is why I post to the blog twice a month. My goal is not to provide answers, but to hopefully ask thought provoking questions. The way we truly help one another is to hold up our light, not tell someone what their path should be, but simply to show them how we got there.

These resources are part of what lit my path here. I hope you enjoy them. But take your time.



The books listed here are the ones I’ve focused on for the last 16 years. Sometimes there is just one sentence in a book that profoundly changed my life. The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukof is a great example. He wrote: “The purpose of a modern relationship is for two people to come together from a place of equality for the spiritual betterment of the other.” That simple statement wove its way throughout my entire life. I remember it as clearly today as the first time I read it.



I find true gold in these sites and blogs. They resonate beyond my current situation and help me with all facets of my practice of law and life. I hope they expand your path to greater meaning.



It is inspiring how many websites are dedicated to helping lawyers live better lives. Each brings a needed different perspective.



I’m very lyrically driven with my music. I’ve always tuned in to the words of a song as much as the sound and feel of it. The right lyrics elevate a song for me. Growing up with a mom who was classically trained on the piano and put my dad through law school playing bar piano – I’m greatly drawn in to the power and subtlety of how a song is sung and played, which is why I love live performances.

Who says the business of law is more important than the business of life?

We sure the hell don’t. Join a growing movement of attorneys redefining the Practice of Law and Life. Participate in the conversation by receiving my twice monthly posts + The Law-Life Project Presents: The Bottom Line, a 5-part self investigative series to help you align the practice of law with your practice of life. Let’s bring the Practice of Law in line with Practice of Life – TOGETHER.

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