The Raised Bar

That’s the intention here. To raise the bar.

Raise it on our own truths.

Our own lives.


When the scales have been tipped, we dive in, leap forward and move towards what’s true, beckoning and asking to be seen.

Raising the bar in our life is a journey.

Sharing it fuels and lights the way.

Welcome to the Blog.

The Law As a Healing Art

The Law As a Healing Art

Creating wholeness out of illness and maintaining wellbeing are hallmarks of the healing arts. Some medical providers work on the physical body, while others focus on the mind and spirit. Lawyers are as diverse in the types of work they do as there are different...

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The Beacon

The Beacon

How we envision being a successful lawyer is a beacon for our actions How we each envision success is significant in how we experience the daily practice of law. One of the most common complaints about lawyers is their bedside manner. It’s a complaint I hear from...

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Hidden in Stone

Hidden in Stone

"Every block of stone has a statute inside of it and it is the task of the sculptor to find it" - Michelangelo I was in Vancouver BC earlier this year looking at the inspiring art work of Michelle Vulama, a renowned rock painter. Unlike Michelangelo, she finds the...

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I hear my law partner talk about the statute I’ve read many times, hearing familiar words in ways I've not understood them before. As if I’m hearing about the statute for the first time. His mind sees the words and their meaning with a keen eye and clarity that others...

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Blind Eyes Wide Open

Blind Eyes Wide Open

Attention Blindness. We experience it everyday of our lives, virtually all the time. But because we are blind to what we are blind to, we are not aware that it is happening. Daniel Simons calls it the most effective cloaking device known to man- the mind. In his...

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“I have followed Jim Dwyer for the past year. Jim is an incredibly skilled writer as evidenced by his book and prolific blog entries. Whether it is a simple conversation or blog – Jim makes you think. He invites you in and, through his rigorous honesty, encourages a discussion. He makes you question your own life, motives and actions. Lastly, through the use of descriptive language, you savor every word, with anticipation of his next entry.”

Wendy Votroubek,


The Practice of Gratitude and Law: How the Two Go Hand in Hand

The Practice of Gratitude and Law: How the Two Go Hand in Hand

It started on a Friday afternoon 15 years ago. I came home after picking up my two girls from grade school. Jan was watching Oprah and she said, “You should sit down and watch this. I think you’d really like it.” Somewhat begrudgingly, I joined her. It’s not that I...

Disrupting the Disruptor: 7 Tips for Managing Chaos at Work or at Home

Disrupting the Disruptor: 7 Tips for Managing Chaos at Work or at Home

A disruption is a radical change in a process that causes something to not work in the normal way. It can be a business model, technology, a country or a person. No one or thing is immune from it. It sucks to be disrupted. When was the last time it happened to you?...