Hidden in Stone

Hidden in Stone

“Every block of stone has a statute inside of it and it is the task of the sculptor to find it” – Michelangelo I was in Vancouver BC earlier this year looking at the inspiring art work of Michelle Vulama, a renowned rock painter. Unlike Michelangelo,...


I hear my law partner talk about the statute I’ve read many times, hearing familiar words in ways I’ve not understood them before. As if I’m hearing about the statute for the first time. His mind sees the words and their meaning with a keen eye and clarity that...
Blind Eyes Wide Open

Blind Eyes Wide Open

Attention Blindness. We experience it everyday of our lives, virtually all the time. But because we are blind to what we are blind to, we are not aware that it is happening. Daniel Simons calls it the most effective cloaking device known to man- the mind. In his...