The Raised Bar

That’s the intention here. To raise the bar.

Raise it on our own truths.

Our own lives.


When the scales have been tipped, we dive in, leap forward and move towards what’s true, beckoning and asking to be seen.

Raising the bar in our life is a journey.

Sharing it fuels and lights the way.

Welcome to the Blog.

Beyond Paychecks and Perks

Beyond Paychecks and Perks

The fiduciary duty that we owe to our clients is a marvelous creation. It sets the standard of how we serve our clients. The duties of care, loyalty, and full and frank disclosure are at the philosophical and practical foundation of being a lawyer. Our fiduciary duty...

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Are you ready to integrate your work life and your personal life to make the best overall life possible for you?

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“I have followed Jim Dwyer for the past year. Jim is an incredibly skilled writer as evidenced by his book and prolific blog entries. Whether it is a simple conversation or blog – Jim makes you think. He invites you in and, through his rigorous honesty, encourages a discussion. He makes you question your own life, motives and actions. Lastly, through the use of descriptive language, you savor every word, with anticipation of his next entry.”

Wendy Votroubek,


Beyond Titles – Claiming the Essence of What You Do

Beyond Titles – Claiming the Essence of What You Do

Have you ever hesitated telling someone what you do for a living? I have. And for longer than I care to admit. In fact, for a number of years I wouldn’t ask the simple question “What do you do for a living?”, because it meant the other person would reciprocate with a...

The Lawyer’s Compass Series: Wellness

The Lawyer’s Compass Series: Wellness

The term “hermetically sealed”  finds its origins in the Greek God Hermes.  He was known for sealing boxes that were impossible to open and hiding them so they could not be seen. While hermitically sealed is the ideal state of a vacuum seal.  it's not an ideal state...

Time Travel

Time Travel

Have you ever looked closely at a world map with time zones? It's not laid out as uniformly as one might expect. Many lines more closely resemble gerrymandering than easy to follow boundaries. So what does time zones have to do with time travel? Wherever you  are in...