by Jim Dwyer | Nov 30, 2014 | Practicing Law and Life
Creating wholeness out of illness and maintaining wellbeing are hallmarks of the healing arts. Some medical providers work on the physical body, while others focus on the mind and spirit. Lawyers are as diverse in the types of work they do as there are different...
by Jim Dwyer | Nov 12, 2014 | Redefining a Successful Lawyer
How we envision being a successful lawyer is a beacon for our actions How we each envision success is significant in how we experience the daily practice of law. One of the most common complaints about lawyers is their bedside manner. It’s a complaint I hear from...
by Jim Dwyer | Oct 27, 2014 | Living Our Best Life, Trust, Faith and The Law
I’m trying to visualize what my life looks like. If each part represents a different colored block of wood, is the size of each piece equal to the amount of time I spend doing that or should it corollate to the importance it plays in my life? Does that mean that...
by Jim Dwyer | Oct 6, 2014 | Living Our Best Life
While a plant can survive under many different circumstances, it needs the right amount of sun, water and nutrients to flourish. Obviously the soil it’s planted in makes a difference. The good news is we can amend it with other rich soil. The same can be said...
by Jim Dwyer | Sep 15, 2014 | Power of Relationships
Taking small steps to improve the lives of those we work with often lead to great strides. Whether it’s a fellow attorney, legal assistant, office manager or receptionist makes no difference. The really good news about these small steps is a great irony- what we...