The Ears Have It

The Ears Have It

How is it I can have two fully functioning ears and yet  be hearing impaired? Over the years I learned how to pay close attention to what the opposing attorney, defendant or a witness said. If I didn’t, how could I win the discussion, argument or case? Looking...


I have always loved maps. As a young boy I would stare at them, imagining where they could take me. Unknown places on a map brought out excitement in me. They still do. My favorite ones show sea monsters or the oceans pouring over the edges of the world. My parents...
Great Strides and Small Steps- Fear

Great Strides and Small Steps- Fear

A new book entitled “The Upside of Your Dark Side”, talks about how our “negative” emotions have positive sides. By understanding this we can take what are considered “bad” feelings and see them in a different light. Embracing all...


The practice of law is rich with tradition. You stand when a judge enters the courtroom. Judges wear black robes and are called Your Honor. The list of traditions are endless. The term “stare decisis” (Latin- to stand by things decided) is based on...