Wherever you are in your Practice of Law – happy or miserable – there is always more to get out of the Practice of Life.

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The Law-Life Project Presents: The Bottom Line, a 5-part self investigative series to help you align the practice of law with your practice of life to advocate for you living your best life.

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I find true gold in these sites and blogs. They resonate beyond my current situation and help me with all facets of my practice of law and life. I hope they expand your path to greater meaning.

Jonathan Fields – who is dedicated to helping the creative process that lives inside all of us, whether we acknowledge it or not.

Tracking Wonder by Jeffery Davis – I don’t know what to say about Jeffrey, he moves me beyond words. I follow him on Facebook and his blog and really appreciate the conversation wherever he shows up. All of us are creative, it’s just that we have a hard time either seeing it or following through.  I always find both Jonathan and Jeffery’s posts extremely thought provoking. They find the issue that hits the nail on the head – sometimes my head needs a little nudging. by Jeena Cho – She is dedicated to helping lawyers through the powerful and simple process of meditation, finding calm in a chaotic world. I also follow her on Facebook.

Best Self by Kristen Noel –  Kristen recently started publishing a magazine that is dedicated to each one of us being our Best Self, which is also the name of her magazine. Interesting articles and interviews on a topic near and dear to me.

Meditating Lawyers is a Facebook page that posts photos with insightful, thought provoking and contemplative quotes throughout the day.